Now everybody feels like they just never have any space inside their car and oftentimes, if you happen to spend a great deal of time inside your vehicle, you can get a form of what feels like automotive “cabin fever” when your car is just rammed tight with different jackets, coats, bags, tools and other random detritus that seems suspiciously immobile for actually being inside of a vehicle.
And you may try and tackle it every now and again, but what if you have so much stuff that is actually quite essential, either to your lifestyle or too your profession, this can include people like tradesmen and builders, makeup and hair artists and even teachers who have to haul stacks of paperwork and other items back with them of a day.
Well you might have to consider biting the bullet and having a total overhaul of your vehicle and making some pretty drastic changes to how you manage the interior. Luckily there are plenty of ways that you can extend the storage capacity of your car, whether that is by organizing and arranging your stuff better or by actually changing something about the car itself. So let’s dive in and have a look at some top tips on how you can improve the storage space inside your car.
Rails over your back windows
Are you the kind of person that carries a lot of clothes in your car? Maybe you are an attorney or salesman and you like to have a variety of different outfits and accessories to choose from in order to really impress those new clients by wearing something threat that they will identify with.
Or maybe you are a dance instructor or martial arts coach and you need to carry around a lot of different training and practice garments for both you and your students around with you from lesson to lesson? Well one way you can fully maximize the space potential of your car is to install rails on the inside of your car to hang those clothes from so the take up less floor space in your car.
Find a mechanic who specializes in interior modifications and simply ask them to install two single rails on either side of your car over the passenger windows. This will allow you to hang clothes on these rails when there is nobody in the back. This also has the advantage of allowing any creases that may be on the clothes themselves to be shaken loose and “fall” from the clothes leaving them smoother and more presentable.
Vehicle trailer
Of course, if you are the kind of person that needs to haul a lot of equipment and other items around with them, then you may need to take more drastic measures when it comes to improving the space situation in your car. And short of buying an entirely new car with larger amounts of storage, investing in aluminum trailers that actually affix to the back of your car and turn your vehicle into more of an articulated truck may be the next best solution that you have.
After all what you are essentially doing is doubling the length of your car and turning all of that extra space you gained into more storage, which could be particularly handy for someone like a tradie who needs to haul large amounts of tools and equipment around from job to job.
However, if you want to go one step further, one of the great features of these trailers is their versatility and ability to be changed to suit pretty much any purpose that you may need it for.
From a simple hood installed to keep everything secure and dry into full on siding and roofs to essentially give you a shed on the back of your car in which substantial storage units can be fitted and used to store all of the more fiddly equipment and items you may have while at the same time offering you that extra floor stack in which additional boxes or equipment can be easily stacked and secured.
Giving you a wide range of options when it comes to exactly what you will transport and how. So why not take a look and see if a trailer can help you with what you need to accomplish in your day to day life.