How Minimalism Can Affect Your Mood Through the Neuro-Architecture of Your Home 

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Neuro-Architecture is a branch of architectural thinking based in neuroscience that focuses on how buildings, structures and interior design can affect the mood and emotional state of people.  It is something that many of us will not give any consideration to in our homes, but a wider awareness of this could very well help a lot of people in their daily lives.

Is the interior design of your home bad for your health?


This is not some new-age nonsense idea, there is actually scientifically researched evidence which informs us that certain factors within a room can be detrimental to your health.  This is usually referring to mental health issues, although excessive clutter will also gather dust, which in turn is a source of allergens.  Of the factors that have been found to be relevant, light appears to have the greatest effect on people.  Prolonged time in a space that is too dark can lead to feelings of depression, whereas overly bright spaces tend to instil restlessness and feelings of stress.  This is often why people who work under artificial light all day can begin to feel disconnected from the world around them as it affects not only their sense of time but also the harsh light is making their brains generate feelings of stress and even anxiety.  Aside from light, if a space is too cluttered or too small then this often also causes anxiety and feelings of being trapped or enclosed; none of which are good for our mental health.

How a minimalist approach can help

At its core, minimalism is about simplicity and reducing unnecessary clutter from a room and in turn our lives.  It also promotes a sense of calm and balance by having rooms utilise a more neutral palette and seeking symmetry in the layout of furniture and decorations.  The simple act of reducing clutter can really help a lot of rooms feel almost new again, and this positive feeling will almost always be shared by the occupant.  However, there are more drastic steps that can be taken to bolster the effect even further.

A simple decluttering is not really minimalism, it is tidying; however, if you redecorate and essentially start again with a room, then you have the opportunity to develop a truly minimalist approach.  Establishing a clean, light and airy colour palette, such as shades of white, will offer a fresh and uplifting feeling in a room.  This can be accompanied by simple decorations and minimalistic furniture or one of plenty of other companies who have fantastic ranges available.

Keeping the room’s layout clean and filling it with furniture comprised of simple, straight lines and matching neutral colours will provide not only a striking look but an amazing feeling.  Ensuring that the room is in balance will only enhance the effect and you will find that the calming nature of the minimalist design will be almost immediately apparent.  Hopefully, you will find the long term effects equally as rewarding as the initial impression.  In truth though, good mental health should really go unnoticed, as if we are well we don’t tend to worry about how we are feeling.